1. Tasks
  2. Analyze Document


Analyze Document

The Analyze Document task provides the capability to perform Optical Character Recognition (OCR) on PDFs and images, enabling the extraction of text from these formats. Additionally, it offers advanced analytics features that allow you to further process, analyze, and gain insights from the extracted data, making it a powerful tool for handling and interpreting document-based information.

Use Cases

  • Use this task to extract text from a document
  • Use to extract a data structure of all entities in a filled in form
  • Use to extract data from a South African ID document
  • Use to classify a proof of payment document as belonging to a specific bank in South Africa

If you are specifically wanted to extract financial information from an invoice or receipt, you should use the Analyze Financial File task.

Basic usage





The type of analysis that you would like to perform on the file.

Current Options are:

  • ocr
    Extract text from a document with optical character recognition. The document can be a pdf or an image.
  • entity_extraction
    Extract entities and form fields from a document. The document can be a pdf or an image.
  • id_proofing
    Id proof a document, getting verification signals on image manipulation, verification of an id document and checking for suspicious words. The document can be a pdf or an image.
  • classifier
    Classify a proof of payment document as belonging to a specific bank in South Africa. The document can be a pdf or an image.


json object

This object key must correspond with the document_processor_type. This object will contain all the options and params for the selected document_processor_type


json array

An array of file objects. Each object contains file meta data.
The most important key for these objects is the fileuuid

Show child attributes

The unique identifier of the file that should be transcribed.






The returned payload



Number of pages analyzed


json object

Contains all the analysis data for the ocr document_processor_type. This object with change to correspond to the document_processor type.



Contains all the text the analysis could get from the file


json array

An array of objects. Each object in the array is a page of the file and indicates which languages were detected on that page of the document.


json array

An array containing language codes for all languages detected in the document.


Shown in the Basic Usage

Entity Extraction

This document_processor_type processor type is used to extract entity and form fields from a document.

Example would be a document that has an organization and fields that have information in them like a receipt, invoice, application form, etc.

It will attempt to identify the field name and the value of that field and create a key value pair. It will do this for each form field that it detects.

Here is an example of a form. Its a Fax Cover Sheet with a form with fields and entries for each field. Form Extraction Example

On the left is what it has extracted from the image displayed on the right.


You will notice the document_processor_type is now entity_extraction and so there should be the corresponding object with the same name referring to the file it should analyze.


The result returned would look something like this. The returned data is quite large so only showing a sample of the important data that is returned.


The result payload is similar to the first example with a few additions:


json object

Contains all the analysis data for the ocr document_processor_type. This object with change to correspond to the document_processor type.

Please see above OCR example for explanations for the detected_languages and full_text objects & key values.



Contains an object for each entity detected. eg. organization is: Staples



Contains an object for each pages.

Each page is an object in the array and each page object contains an object for each field detected. eg. Date: 04/12/2021 From: Jane Doe

ID Proofing

This is used to extract all the information from South African Identity documents, ie. Green bar code ID Book, Smart ID Card or Passports.

It doesn't only extract the information, it also does fraud checks to indicate if the document is valid or fraudulent.


You will notice the document_processor_type is now id_proofing and so there should be the corresponding object with the same name referring to the file it should analyze.


The result returned would look something like this. The returned data is quite large so only showing a sample of the important data that is returned.


The result payload is similar to the first example with a few additions:


json object

Contains all the analysis data for the id_proofing document_processor_type. This object with change to correspond to the document_processor type.

Please see above OCR example for explanations for the detected_languages and full_text objects & key values.



Contains an entry for each id proofing check performed and its result. eg. fraud_signals_suspicious_words: PASS

This indicates the the suspicious words check passed inspection. No suspicious words found.



Indicates if all the id proofing checks passed. If one check fails, this will be false.
