1. Concepts
  2. Webhooks



How webhooks work with stubber

A webhook is a way that you can trigger an action on a stub from an external system. It can only execute actions that are "available" in the state of the stub.


  • Use to create stubs from an external system, like a form on a website
  • Use to post an update on a stub when an external system like a ticketing system gets updated
  • Use to notify a stub when a payment is made
  • Use to indicate an authorization has been granted when a user clicks a link

See the action meta webhook section for more information on how to enable webhooks on actions.


Here we have a diagram showing how this works.

An external system makes a POST request to the webhook url. It contains data in the body that is needed by the process.

Templates & Stubs


Below is an exmaple of enabling a webhook on an action and triggering that action via postman