General term for a working instance of a template (process).
A template is where the process is defined in Stubber.
Think of it as a blueprint for the process.
Think of it as a template for the stubs that will be created from it.
A stub is where the process is executed and run.
Think of it as a working version of the template that can be run and executed.
Think of it as a unique instance of the template.
Here we have a diagram showing how there is a 1 to many relationship between templates and stubs.
Here we have an example of a template used to define a "sales enquiry" and the stubs that are created from it.
We have a stub for each person that the sales enquiry is with.
On the Stubber Platform there are 2 applications that are used to work with templates and stubs.
The Editor application used to create and modify templates.
The Inbox application is used to create and work with stubs.