Creating Stubs
How Stubs get created and how they are used
Creation Methods
In most cases Stubs get created by the create_stub task.
So this means that to create a stub we need to have a creator stub.
This is where the create context is used. Stubs that follow the flow of the create context have a default action called create_stub
, this is the action that is used to trigger the creation of a new stub that follows the default context.
Creating from inbox
When you are in the Inbox application you can create a stub by using the Create Stub UI. This method displays the fields that are specified in the create context, on the create_stub
action. When the submit button is clicked the action is run which runs the create_stub task and a new stub is created.
Following the branching concept of templates, stubs also belong to a specific branch.
See creating draft stubs for more information on creating draft stubs.
See creating live stubs for more information on creating live stubs.