1. Templates
  2. Contexts



A context represents different viewpoints of a template.

Contexts allow separating the different high-level functions of a template.
The best way to explain contexts is explain each of the standard contexts.


The default context contains the definition of the actual process flow for the template.

For example if you created a new "Sales Enquiry" stub the process that each "Sales Enquiry" would follow is defined here, so in this example it might contain actions allowing the user to "collect customer details" or "send_quote".


The template context contains the definition of what happens when changes to the template are made.

For example, you can define that when a new version of the "Sales Enquiry" template is published, a notification is sent out to a certain Slack channel.


The create context contains the definition of how to create new stubs of this template.

For example you could use the create context to define that an email gets sent out each time a new stub of the "Sales Enquiry" template gets created.


The manage context contains the definition of the process to manage all the stubs of the template together.

For example you could use the manage context to define actions that would close all the open stubs or generate a report for all the open stubs.


The all context is merged into all other contexts.
If you define an action in the all context it will be available in all other contexts.

For example, you could define a notify_stakeholders action in the all context and it would be available on stubs created for any of the default, template, create and manage contexts.