1. Platform
  2. Editor



The editor is where you will manage your all of your organizations templates, their contexts and most importantly, the template itself.

Opening Editor

  1. Click on the four Dots at the top right
  2. Select the Editor option.
    • This will open the Template List view.


Template List

This is the default page you will see when navigating to the Editor from the Four Dots menu Opening Editor

Template Overview

There are a two ways to get to the template overview page depending on where you start from:

  • Template list
  • Editor

From the Template list
From the Template list, simply click on the template name you would like to open Click to open template overview

From the Editor
From the Edit Flow view, simply click on the Template Overview icon in the tool bar at the top left of your screen. See screen shot below: Click to open template overview

Template Editor

This is where you actually plan, design and build the template using the various concepts and components built into Stubber.

There are various sections to the Template Editor.

  • Flow ( canvas where you place the template components)
  • JSON
  • Layout
  • Contact list
  • Data Flow

These will all be discussed separately