1. Platform
  2. API Integration


API Integration

Integrating with Stubber on an API


Stubber is very flexible when it comes to integrating with other systems.
Integration can be categorized as follows:

  • Integration with stubs - creating & running actions on stubs
  • Integration with configuration - managing configuration

Integration with Stubs

External System calling into Stubber

To allow outside systems to call stubs, Stubber provides a REST API via the webhooks feature.
This enables you to define the exact API that you need and the data that you want to send to Stubber.
This can be used on the create context to create a stub or on the run action to run an action on an existing stub.

Stubber calling into External System

Stubber can also call external systems via the apicall task.
You can setup credentials to authenticate with the external system.

Integration with Configuration

To automate configuration changes, Stubber provides a REST API to the manage application.
Details on this API are pending. This would form part of the manage application.

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