1. Blocks
  2. AI Debug Block


AI Debug Block

Allows debugging LLM chat logs on draft stubs.

Use cases

The AI Debug block shows live the chat logs that are being sent to the AI. This is useful for debugging the AI's responses and understanding the context of the conversation.
The LLM chat logs are important to understand the what the AI is being asked and how it is responding. The AI Debug block also allows monitoring the token usage to optimize for the best performance.
The AI Debug block shows all the chats that are active on the draft stub, if more than one chat is active, the AI Debug block will show tabs for each chat.

Some key insights this block enables :

  • see the system messages system message
  • see the assistant and user messages assistant and user messages
  • see the data the AI passes to the actions it runs user message
  • see the data returned to the AI context after an action has run user message

Basic usage

This example block is added to the stub layout via the layout editor and is only visible to stubber authenticated users.
The config is as follows :


How to add

  1. On editor, open the layout setup
  2. Click the library button
  3. Find and select the AI Debug Block
  4. Click "Add this item"

library button add block

Example of block

AI Debug Block