1. Actions
  2. Base Actions


Base Actions

Actions that are built into Stubber in the _adam template


Certain actions are built into Stubber.
These actions are called "base actions" and are defined in the _adam template.

These actions are available on all templates in the Stubber Framework.

These actions are used for base layer functionality that is common to all processes.


Base actions fall into some of the action categories


Examples of actions that are defined on the _adam template are:

Action Type Description
_update interface To do a general update comment on a stub
_send_quick_email interface To send an email on a stub
_send_quick_whatsapp interface To send a whatsapp on a stub
_send_quick_sms interface To send an sms on a stub
_send_slack_quick interface To send a slack message on a stub
_rename interface To rename a stub
_close stub To close a stub
_reopen stub To reopen a stub
_update_from_email feedback Called when an email is sent to the stub
_update_from_sms feedback Called when a sms is sent to the stub
_update_from_whatsapp feedback Called when a whatsapp is sent to the stub
_update_from_chat_assistant_task feedback Called when a chat assistant task has run on the stub

Extending Base Actions

To extend the functionality of base actions, you can create a new action with the exact name of the base action you want to extend, including the leading underscore.

For example, to extend the _update_from_whatsapp action, create a new action called _update_from_whatsapp in your template.

When a new WhatsApp message is sent to a stub, your _update_from_whatsapp action will be ran, and will also run any tasks/notifications/metrics you have added to the action in your template.