1. Manage
  2. Contacts Directory


Contacts Directory


How to add and edit contacts in the contacts directory

Managing contacts

Contacts for your organization can be seen and managed by visiting the contacts section on the Manage platform.

Adding a contact

Create contact

  1. Click + Create contacts button, which will show the 2. Create contact form.
  2. Fill in the create contact form
    • You can use the + Add contact point button to add emails, numbers and other contact points for the contact.
  3. Click Create Contact to save the contact to your organization.

Removing a contact

Deleting a contact

  1. Select the contact you'd like to remove in the left section
  2. Click Delete Contact at the bottom of the Manage contact section on the right.

Clicking the Delete Contact will immediately remove the contact. No warning is given nor confirmation asked.

Copying the contactuuid

Copy a contactuuid

  1. Go to manage contacts
  2. Choose the contact you wish to get the contactuuid of
  3. In the Manage contact section, click the copy icon next to the contactuuid field

The contactuuid can be used in tasks like assign_to and in most notifications.