Variable Substitution
Handlebars Helpers
Handlebars helpers provide with some extra functionality for inline substitution.
Handlebars helpers provide with some extra functionality for inline substitution.
They allow you to do things like:
- loop over objects or arrays
- convert from text to HTML and visa versa
- generate ID
- generate random numbers
- generate Stubber Framework links
Custom Stubber Helpers
You can find a list of custom Stubber Helpers in the nested pages on this documentation
Built-in Handlebars Helpers
You can find a list of built-in Handlebars Helpers on the Handlebars website.
Notable Handlebars official helpers are :
- each (also see Stubber each)
- if (also see Stubber if)
- unless
- with
- lookup
- log
You can also add comments to your handlebars templates using the following syntax: