1. Whatsapp
  2. AI Assistant Tutorial


AI Assistant Tutorial


By the end of this tutorial you'll be able to build an AI Assistant in Stubber.


Methods of Interaction

You can use any method to interact with the AI Assistant employed by Stubber. The simplest method is WhatsApp, as most people are accustomed to chatting on this platform.

In this tutorial, we will be using WhatsApp as a means to chat back and forth between the AI and the user, remembering that you can branch out to use other channels of communication.


We are going to break this tutorial into 3 Phases:

  1. Preparing the Canvas
  2. Initiating the Chat
  3. Building the Chat Loop

Preparing the Canvas

Basic Flow

Open up the Editor and create new Template using any name you choose. It is good you give it a name that describes what it does, eg. Sales Quote AI Assistant.


You will need the following states:

  • busy start state in which the stub will start: chat-pending
  • the state where the interaction will be facilitated: chat-in-progress


  • feedback Actions:
    • _update_from_whatsapp where incoming whatsapp are added to the stub
    • _update_from_chat_assistant_task where the AI updates the stub with its response.
  • Action to setup the chat log and initiate the conversation with the end user.
    • start_chat

Creating the Flow

Link the states and actions:

  • Link
    state to
    action making the action available in the
  • Link
    action to the
    state. Moving the stub to the
    state when the action is run
  • Link the
    state back to the the
    action so that you can restart the chat from the

Your canvas should look like this: Basic actions and states

Contact list

Creates the Contact list where stubs can add contacts for notifications, etc.

  • Open View Contact Lists and Add a blank contact list.
  • change the object key to something meaningful, eg. contact_person
  • expand the object and expand the details object
  • change the title's value, eg. Contact Person
  • close the Important Contacts window.

System Prompt

The system prompt needs to be somewhere that is easily accessable by the systems designer as well as accessable by the process.

Adding this to template data resolves both these requirements:

  • Click on the Add Template Data button Basic actions and states
  • Set the Data Path to prompts.ai_instructions
    • full path to reference within tasks is: ~~template.data.prompts.ai_instructions
  • Edit the Template Data annotation and start adding in the system prompt text.

Example:Template Data Annotation

Set the Initial message that is sent to the user

This will create a central point on the canvas to set what the first contact message will be.

This makes it easy to change and it will change in the notification and in the GPT task that initiats the Chat Log.

  • Add Template Data
  • set the path to: template_messages.wa_template_initiation_message
  • edit the annotation and input the message the user would receive, eg. Example:Template Data First Contact Message

Initiating the Chat

To start the chat process, the following steps are required:

  • The stub needs some initial data, especially the person it need to make contact with.
  • A notification for the first contact needs to be sent to the contact.
  • The GPT chat log needs to be initiated with the first contact message.

Do the following in



  • Add a Contact Selector field and give it a name, eg. contact_person


  • Add a Add contact to a list task
    • Change the contactuuid key's value to reference the contact selector field to created, eg. ~~stubpost.data.contact_person.contactuuid
    • click Add this item and name the task, eg. add_contact_contact_person
  • Add the gpt_task to start the chat_log for this stub
    • Add a gpt task from the tasks library and ensure the params are as below.
GPT Chat Task Parameter Explained

This is set to false so that it does not submit the job to GPT itself

This is set to use the GPT Model as defined in and inherited from the _adam template.

Can be change if you wish you use something other than the default model.

This is set to set so that will either create the chat log if it does not already exist or replaces the existing chat log so that the conversation can be restarted, GPT would have no record of previous messages for that stub / chat

messages This is an array of objects. Each object is a message that is added to the chat log.
role: system : Fetches the system prompt and adds it to the Chat Log as the system role.

role: assistant : Fetches the first contact message and adds it to the Chat Log as the assistant role, as it the AI Assistant came up with the message and sent it to the user.


Add a notification to send the first contact message to the user. In this case we are using WhatsApp as a means to communicate.

  • Add Whatsapp text message to contact list notification
  • make changes to match this use case and stub data structure.
    • change the message to : ~~template.data.template_messages.wa_template_initiation_message
    • change the send_to value : contact_person
    • change the stub session timeout to : 164
  • Add the item, you can rename it once you have added the notification

Building the Chat Loop

User replies to AI Assistant

In order for the GPT to know what the customer is replying, we need to send the customers' reply to GPT.

We do this by overriding the function of Feedback Action for the notification method being used, in this case, WhatsApp, ie.


  • Add task Continue GPT Chat Task to
    from the Tasks Library.

Text from WhatsApp are automatically added to the post as stubpost.message so that will be the message from the role : user


This will send the message to the model and store the customer's reply in the Chat log.

AI Assistant responses to User

Once GPT has received and processed the customers reply, it will process it and send a reply back to the stub, which in turn needs to be sent as a reply back to the customer.

We do this by overriding the function of Feedback Action for the Chat Assistant, ie.


Make these changes to


  • Add WhatApp Notification to send the Chat Assistants' reply to the customer via the chosen notification method, ie. WhatsApp

Most responses from Chat Assistant is in plain text. WhatsApp Notification message uses plain text Stub post message uses HTML

  • Use a savedata task to save the text version of Chat Assistants' message
  • replace the stubpost message with an HTML Version of the message with us of helper.
  • notification to use the savedata version of Chat Assistant's response.





Canvas Result

Your Canvas should be similar to this: Canvas Result